Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fantastic Fans Come Out for Reading!

The Reading/Signing at Indigo West Hills was a great success!  Thanks to the many new Ghosters, the book sold out in a very short time.  I happened to have brought a few extra copies which allowed more crewmates to come aboard, including a retired American Sailor who bought the book for himself.

The Surprise Prize for each reading was a hit with one young lad taking an exclusive and very trendy 'Ghost Messages' T-shirt back with him to Scandanavia, along with a copy of the book.

The folks at Indigo were super and here's a 21 gun salute to Patricia, the best 'Kids Book Section' authority in Canada, (amazing, knowledgable, and a genius at putting the right book in every young reader's hands), as well as Joel Wedel, Customer Experience Manager who made our stay in his port run so smoothly.

Join us on July 7, 4:00,  at Monkeyshines, 113- 2215 -33Avenue, S.W., Calgary for more fun on the high seas as the Ghost Messages Book Club has an afternoon of excitment and entertainment, complete with Prizes, a Powerpoint Presentation, Morse Code Quiz, Insider Scoop from the Author and snacks to enjoy while we chat!  Phone 403-240-1723 for details.

In the meantime, enjoy our balmy weather, calm seas and fair winds as we continue our voyage.


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