Friday, January 27, 2012

Setting sail for OLA Superconference in Toronto!

Ahoy Shipmates!

Our good ship is setting sail for the Ontario Library Association's Superconference at the Metro Toronto Convention Center. 
If your attending, come to the PGC Booth #221 between 10:20 and 10:40 on Friday, February 3, for prizes and surprises and your own autographed copy of Ghost Messages. 
We want our book to be the 'trending topic' of the day.

So, any Ghosters who blog, twitter, facebook or talk - do your part to pump up the volume on Ghost Messages.  Here's our chance to make a splash!



Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy 2012!

Ahoy Ghosters!

Here we are in a new year and ready to read.

I have been trying to find a list of  Top Ten Books that are supposed to be 'must reads' for us to tackle in 2012, but after slogging through a dozen lists, (none of which agreed on even one book!), I have come to the conclusion that whatever book you read and like is a MUST READ.

There are thousands, if not gazillions, of novels for young people - some good, some not-so-much. 
The final decision is yours.

Deciding what is right for you and standing up for that choice is an important step in growing into the kind of person I would like as a shipmate.  This goes even if no one else agrees with you. 
That was one of the characteristics I loved about Ailish - she didn't desert her friends, no matter how bleak things looked.

Food for thought as we set sail into 2012.

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