Saturday, July 23, 2011

Upcoming Adventure on the High Seas!

Ahoy Ghosters!

We're about to set sail on another Ghost Messages adventure.
Join the crew on:

Thursday, July 28th,
1:30 - 3:30 P.M. at

Nan Boothby Memorial Library
405 Railway Street West
Cochrane, Alberta

Come with me as we enjoy a fun voyage into
the mysterious and supernatural world
of the novel Ghost Messages.
We'll have a Power Point Show, Prizes,
a Morse Code Contest with a special surprise for the winner,
Exclusive Ghost Messages Book Marks and Author Signings.

We'll also have refreshments for a hungry crew to nosh on.

For more information, contact the
Nan Boothby Memorial Library
at 403-932-4353.

It is not necessary to have finished reading the book
to enjoy the presentation.
Books will be available for sale
or you can check them out of the library.

Come aboard for some summer fun!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Morse Code Puzzler Question

Ahoy Ghosters:
Here's a GM question for you to puzzle over as you enjoy the great summer sunshine. 
All the answers are in the novel.
(Look for a helpful Morse Code Alphabet at the back of the book.)

.-- …. .- -   .. …   - …. .   -. .- -- .   --- ..-. 
 .--- .- -.-. --.- ..- . .-.. .. -. . …   -. . .--   -… --- --- -.-   ..-..

Let me know how you did!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Full Crew Turn Out for Monkey Shines Book Club Meeting

Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Soda!
Captain Sue and her Pirate Crew made sure all the young Ghosters were well fed and watered for our Book Club Meeting at Monkey Shines Children's Book Store.  Thanks Sue!

We had a boat load of enthusiastic Ghosters who enjoyed over an hour of fun as we delved into the background of the book and the characters in Ghost Messages.
The PPT presentation showed young sailors what life was like on the Great Eastern and how laying a transatlantic cable was anything but easy.
The Morse Code Puzzlers turned out to be a challenge, but an answer key went home with each contestant so that they can figure out the questions while soaking up the sun.
Two lucky participants won an exclusive Ghost Messages T-Shirt sure to bring comments from all they meet.
Bookmarks added a special touch, as no one should have a new book without a new book mark.
Lots of questions and interest from all the crew made for a spirited afternoon.
I look forward to hearing from a whole boatload of new Ghosters as we continue our voyage across the foaming waves!


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Monkeyshines Book Club Meeting Today!

Ahoy Ghosters!

Today at 4:30 - Monkeyshines Children's Book Store will host our live and in person Ghost Messages Book Club Meeting.
Our high sea adventure will take us on a fun voyage across the Atlantic as we check out the facts behind the fiction.  We also have a piece of the actual 1865 cable, hauled up from the bottom of the cold ocean for my shipmates to wonder at.  Be ready for our Morse Code Puzzlers, insider reading of the 'good parts' and prizes for our lucky sea dogs.

I'm looking forward to seeing all my crew this afternoon!

Tomorrow - Enter our on line Blog Contest: A Mystery Message for you to decode using Davy's ghost message method! 
Caution - there will be prizes for the lucky winners.
Smooth sailing,


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Monkeyshines on Thursday!

Ahoy Ghosters! 

I would like to invite all Ghosters to come out to our first Book Club Meeting at:

Monkeyshines Children's Books,
113 -2215  33rd Avenue S.W., Calgary,
Thursday, July 7th at 4:30. 

There will be readings, a super insider slide show of what life was like on the Great Eastern, prizes and bookmarks along with book signings and snacks for all.

Don't miss out on this high seas adventure with me, Captain Sue and her Pirate Crew and a Gang of Ghosters.
See you there!