Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Ghostly Greeting

Greetings Ghosters,

.... .- .--. .--. -.--

.... .- .-.. .-.. --- .-- . . -. !

Jacqueline :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Greetings Ghosters - Great News!

GHOST MESSAGES is a finalist in the Silver Birch Award.  Voting is in May and I hope all you Ontario Ghosters will read and vote. 

Plus, GHOST MESSAGES is a Moonbeam Award GOLD MEDAL WINNER!  This is an award given out by the United States Independant Publishers Association.

Yes, crewmates, our book rocks!

I will be appearing at the Edmonton Children's Round Table to tell Alberta teachers and library goddesses all about the start of the world wide web.  We know it's when that first transatlantic cable was laid from Ireland to Newfoundland and the Morse code GHOST MESSAGES began but they will be new to the crew so we won't have them swabbing the decks just yet.

I was at St. Clare School and discovered a whole new gang who want to join our crew, so welcome aboard new Ghosters! 

Here's your question of the day:

.-- .... ---    ... .- ...- . -..    .- .. .-.. .. ... ....   
.-- .... . -.    ... .... .    .-- .- ...    - .-. .- .--. .--. . -..
--- -.    - .... .    .--. .- -.. -.. .-.. .    .-- .... . . .-..
-... --- -..-  ?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Wordfest Fun with Ghost Messages!

An Exciting Voyage at WordFest!

Lots of new Ghosters joined the crew at Wordfest in Calgary this week.  Excitement ran high as students and staff discovered how the Great Eastern was a ship like no other and that Ailish is a cabin boy like no other.  Many are wondering what was the terrible mystery discovered when the ship was torn apart.  I told them they will have to read the entire book to discover this secret.

Many students couldn't believe it when they saw a piece of the actual 1865 cable dredged up from the icy depths of the Atlantic Ocean.  We all agreed it was a tenuous start for the World Wide Web.

All the crews from many schools attending decide that Ghost Messages was the book to read.
Some were already aboard and sailing across the Atlantic with Ailish, Davy and Paddy, not to mention ducking Rufus Dalton, before they came to the presentation which meant they already knew lots about life aboard the mighty ship laying the transatlantic cable.

This week, we are going to have a test of your Morse Code Skills.
Do you know the answer?

.-- .... .- -    .-- .- ...    - .... .    - .-. . .- ... ..- .-. .   
-.. .- .-.. - --- -.    ... - --- .-.. .    ..-. .-. --- --   
.- .. .-.. .. ... ....    ..--..

Be the first to decode this message and let me know when you have the answer!

Smooth sailing,
